Protein: The Building Blocks of Life

Protein digestion is essential for optimal body function. Breaking down proteins into smaller components is the key to unlocking the powerhouse of our body, the muscles. Proteins are...

All About Sugars (Carbohydrates)

Metabolism is the chemical reactions or enzymatic processes occurring in all living organisms. Food digestion to ATP synthesis completes in three stages in humans. These stages involve four...

Food to Energy Production

Whatever we do, whether we think, talk, listen, understand or even walk, every activity requires energy from food. The process of food-to-energy production occurs through different chemical reactions,...

Human Circulatory System

The blood present in our body is highly essential for our survival. The air we inhale contains oxygen that blood carries and supplies all over the body for...

Human Digestive System

Have you ever thought about why food is important for humans and how this complex food breakdown into simpler particles? All this occurs through a proper body system,...